3 Top-Rated Ghost Tours in Edinburgh, Scotland

Arguably one of the spookiest cities in the world, Edinburgh offers tons of ghost tours. You heard – or read – it right! There are ghost tours in Scotland. These ghost tours take you on an adventure that allows you to discover the haunted history of the locations.

Participating in ghost tours can be such a fun addition to your itinerary. Don’t worry! If you don’t want tours that are too scary, you can go on family-friendly haunted tours. If you’re looking for the thrill, you can also opt for paranormal investigation tours. And we’ll help you choose your tour. Here are 3 of the best ghost tours in Scotland.


Ghost tours are tours where you learn more about the ghosts and haunted history of certain places. The experience you’ll be having will depend on the tour you choose. You could choose anything from a family-friendly and not at all scary tour or a terrifying one. Some tours allow you to “hunt ghosts”. Although that will be a bit scarier than most tours.


City of the Dead

This tour is one, if not the most, popular tour in Edinburgh. It’s held in underground vaults built in 1788. These vaults were then abandoned in 1975 and became the home to Edinburgh’s poor. The vaults had no sunlight, running water, sanitation, and the like. The squatters soon left because, well, the situation isn’t fit for anyone to live in.

However, this tour is scary and can’t truly be described as family-friendly. If you’re under 12, pregnant, or have heart conditions, it is recommended that you don’t join the tour. If you’re up for a great adventure and a thrilling ride, go book a tour and get ready for some spooky stories!

Mercat Tours

Mercat tours offer a wide variety of ghost tours. You can choose a family-friendly one that’s suited for children. Or a spookier ghost tour fit only for adults. You can go to haunted graveyards or vaults much like the first tour or through the Old Town of the city. If you want a ghost tour during the day, this company is the one for you! They also offer great walking tours where you can explore the history of Scotland.

The Ghost Bus

Unlike the other 2 tours mentioned, this tour is a ghost tour on wheels. You get spooky stories and comedy! You’ll be riding a black double-decker bus while you ride around the city. The best part is that the buses are decorated and the tour guides are all actors! That means you get the full experience. It’s less scary than the City of the Dead tour and offers a more unique experience because you’ll be riding a bus that looks like it was taken straight from the 1960s.


Ghost tours are great, fun experiences you don’t want to miss when you’re in Scotland. And ghost tours in Scotland are some of the best ones out there. Be sure to add this to your to-do list when you get to the country!